Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Holy Encounter

Glory to God in the highest, and to you because He has so willed it.

Ask and it shall be given you, because it has already been given. Ask for light and learn that you are light.

If you want understanding and enlightenment you will learn it, because your decision to learn it is the decision to listen to the Teacher Who knows of light, and can therefore teach it to you.

There is no limit on your learning because there is no limit on your mind. There is no limit on His teaching because He was created to teach. Understanding His function perfectly He fulfills it perfectly, because that is His joy and yours.

To fulfill the Will of God perfectly is the only joy and peace that can be fully known, because it is the only function that can be fully experienced.
When this is accomplished, then, there is no other experience. Yet the wish for other experience will block its accomplishment, because God's Will cannot be forced upon you, being an experience of total willingness.
The Holy Spirit understands how to teach this, but you do not. That is why you need Him, and why God gave Him to you.
Only His teaching will release your will to God's, uniting it with His power and glory and establishing them as yours. You share them as God shares them, because this is the natural outcome of their being.

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