Sunday, November 29, 2009

Cape Town an amazing diversity

The colored people here in Cape Town are amazingly cheerful. While walking everyone will great you with a nod. In the trains conversations are at a pitch it is impolite to whisper.

They shake hands solemly when anyone enters they know, which looks like everyone..

The babies are so adorable hanging in a wrapping at the back of their mother and taking it all in their stride. Boredom and dullness are not part of their stories, and each one seems to know everyone they greet and laugh as if part of an imense family.

The trains are an endless entertainment, singers walk through from wagon to wagon, and the sellers of ice-cream, drinks and chips are amazing how they balance their wares while the train rattles on ...

Taxis are mini busses and at intersections the co-driver shouts the destination which amazes me as I have no idea what it is, but people run and get in...

I take one of those mini-busses sometimes to sea-point as I know where to catch it ..the trick is that they prefer a full bus before departing, and just when you think no other body fits possible, no they squash another one in.... money is the ruling factor.

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