Thursday, March 25, 2010

A Comfort

The comfort when waking in the morning and instantly remembering the ideas of love and power that A Course in Miracles represents as a magnificent document is pure joy and peace.

It is myself waiting to be embraced again, a new day, a new me. All is waiting to be revealed, a plan not of my making.

Be comforted. You are not asked to do anything. There is a time when to step back is all that is asked of you. It is a time of rest and not of strain; a time of peace and not a time of conflict.

That time is almost here. It seems fearful because it is not under your control. But think a minute; stop and think honestly about what your control has done; what it has brought to you.

You have been caught in a trap from which you never could escape. Conflict, guilt and fear have come with you and never left your side.

Each one of you has done this differently, yet each has come to the same place; the same impasse. And now it seems to each of you that there is no escape.

For it is true that you cannot escape alone. Your stories seem to differ, for they do take different forms. Yet their one content makes you brothers. Dwell not upon the differences or you are lost. It is in recognizing the common content; the common need, that you are save!

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