Wednesday, June 9, 2010


In all moments of space and time there is a gathering of forms, an opportunity once again to remember that this is a dream.

The Mind in constant communication with its source as its Father, will remember easely and not get caught in the gossip of the space/time sequence.

It does take vigilance to remember purpose and function as a decission that this world is a dream of my own making and does not exists.

It is these shadow figures that would make the ego holy in your sight, and teach you what you do to keep it safe is really love.

The shadow figures always speak for vengeance, and all relationships into which they enter are totally insane. Without exception, these relationships have as their purpose the exclusion of the truth about the other, and of yourself.

This is why you see in both what is not there, and make of both the slaves of vengeance. And why whatever reminds you of your past grievances attracts you, and seems to go by the name of love, no matter how distorted the associations by which you arrive at the connection may be.

And finally, why all such relationships become attempts at union through the body, for only bodies can be seen as means for vengeance. That bodies are central to all unholy relationships is evident.

Your own experience has taught you this. But what you may not realize are all the reasons that go to make the relationship unholy. For unholiness seeks to reinforce itself, as holiness does, by gathering to itself what it perceives as like itself.

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