Monday, December 26, 2011

Myths and Magic

Myths and magic are closely associated, since myths are usually related to ego origins, and magic to the powers the ego ascribes to itself. 

Mythological systems generally include some account of "the creation," and associate this with its particular form of magic. 

The so-called "battle for survival" is only the ego's struggle to preserve itself, and its interpretation of its own beginning. 

This beginning is usually associated with physical birth, because it is hard to maintain that the ego existed before that point in time. 

The more "religiously" ego-oriented may believe that the soul existed before, and will continue to exist after a temporary lapse into ego life. 

Some even believe that the soul will be punished for this lapse. However, salvation does not apply to spirit, which is not in danger and does not need to be salvaged.

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