Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Experience ( Joel Goldsmith)

    Our entire experience of frustration and mistakes comes from our reluctance to wait long enough for the Christ to take over.

Most of us are unwilling to wait until the moment in which a decision is necessary, but insist on knowing the answer in advance.

Spiritual illumination comes to us in a measure with our first investigation of truth. We believe that we are seeking good, or truth; whereas the light has begun to shine in our consciousness compelling us to take the steps we have since taken.

Every increase of our spiritual understanding has more light appearing and dispelling the darkness of sense. This inflow of illumination will continue until we come to the full realization of our true identity as “the light of the world.”

Without illumination, we struggle with the forces of the world; we labor for a living; we struggle to maintain our place and position; we compete for riches and honors.

Often we war with our own friends and even find ourselves at war with ourselves. There is no security in personal possessions even after the battle to acquire them has been won.

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