Friday, April 15, 2011

My Child

You, my child, are afraid of your brothers and of your Father and of yourself.
But you are merely deceived in them.

Ask what they are of the Teacher of reality, and hearing His answer, you too will laugh at your fears and replace them with peace.

For fear lies not in reality, but in the minds of children who do not understand reality.

It is only their lack of understanding that frightens them, and when they learn to perceive truly they are not afraid.

And because of this they will ask for truth again when they are frightened. It is not the reality of your brothers or your Father or yourself that frightens you.

You do not know what they are, and so you perceive them as ghosts and monsters and dragons.

Ask what their reality is from the One Who knows it, and He will tell you what they are.

For you do not understand them, and because you are deceived by what you see you need reality to dispel your fears.

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