Monday, May 10, 2010


Perceptions are learned, and you are not without a Teacher.

Yet your willingness to learn of Him depends on your willingness to question everything you learned of yourself, for you who learned amiss should not be your own teacher.

No one can withhold truth except from himself. Yet God will not refuse you the Answer He gave. Ask, then, for what is yours, but which you did not make, and do not defend yourself against truth.

You made the problem God has answered. Ask yourself, therefore, but one simple question:
Do I want the problem or do I want the answer?

Decide for the answer and you will have it, for you will see it as it is, and it is yours already.

You may complain that this course is not sufficiently specific for you to understand and use. Yet perhaps you have not done what it specifically advocates.
This is not a course in the play of ideas, but in their practical application. Nothing could be more specific than to be told that if you ask you will receive.

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