Sunday, May 23, 2010


My self-realization as a Teacher of God is that all ideas of A Course in Miracles are connected. Like a quantum instant in a holographic picture each idea adds and never takes away.

The core of this greatest of keys of awakening, is is ever extending to all aspects of the Sonship, each one of us as a teacher expresses this recognition in wholeness in joy and amazement, adding to creation

Like a journey in the Mind of God unfolding ever magnificent ideas that carry me further in this Kingdom.

Creation is the opposite of all illusions, for creation is the truth. Creation is the holy Son of God, for in creation is His Will complete in every aspect, making every part container of the Whole.

Its oneness is forever guaranteed inviolate; forever held within His holy Will, beyond all possibility of harm, of separation, imperfection and of any spot upon its sinlessness.

We are creation; we the Sons of God. We seem to be discrete, and unaware of our eternal unity with Him.

Yet back of all our doubts, past all our fears, there still is certainty. For Love remains with all Its Thoughts, Its sureness being theirs. God's memory is in our holy minds, which know their oneness and their unity with their Creator.

Let our function be only to let this memory return, only to let God's Will be done on earth, only to be restored to sanity, and to be but as God created us.
Our Father calls to us. We hear His Voice, and we forgive creation in the Name of its Creator, Holiness Itself, Whose holiness His Own creation shares; Whose holiness is still a part of us.

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