Monday, May 3, 2010


The picture of your brother that you see means nothing. There is nothing to attack or to deny; to love or hate, or to endow with power or to see as weak.

The picture has been wholly cancelled out, because it symbolized a contradiction that cancelled out the thought it represents.
And thus the picture has no cause at all. Who can perceive effect without a cause? What can the causeless be but nothingness?

The picture of your brother that you see is wholly absent and has never been. Let, then, the empty space it occupies be recognized as vacant, and the time devoted to its seeing be perceived as idly spent, a time unoccupied.

Like you, your brother thinks he is a dream. Share not in his illusion of himself, for your identity depends on his reality.

Think, rather, of him as a mind in which illusions still persist, but as a mind which brother is to you. He is not brother made by what he dreams, nor is his body, "hero" of the dream, your brother.

It is his reality that is your brother, as is yours to him. Your mind and his are joined in brotherhood. His body and his dreams but seem to make a little gap, where yours have joined with his. And yet, between your minds there is no gap.
To join his dreams is thus to meet him not, because his dreams would separate from you.
Therefore release him, merely by your claim on brotherhood, and not on dreams of fear.
Let him acknowledge who he is, by not supporting his illusions by your faith, for if you do, you will have faith in yours. With faith in yours, he will not be released, and you are kept in bondage to his dreams.
And dreams of fear will haunt the little gap, inhabited but by illusions which you have supported in your brother's mind.

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