Monday, May 31, 2010

Sow and Reap

Jesus speaks in John 4-36

And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal: that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together.

“My food is to do the will of the one who sent me and to complete his work. Don’t you say,
‘There are four more months and then comes the harvest?’ I tell you, look up and see that the fields are already white for harvest!

The one who reaps receives pay and gathers fruit for eternal life, so that the one who sows and the one who reaps can rejoice together. For in this instance the saying is true, ‘One sows and another reaps.’ I sent you to reap what you did not work for; others have labored and you have entered into their labor.”

The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest. 

"Many are called but few are chosen" should be, "All are called but few choose to listen." Therefore, they do not choose right. The "chosen ones" are merely those who choose right sooner. Right minds can do this now, and they will find rest unto their souls. God knows you only in peace, and this is your reality.

"As ye sow, so shall ye reap" He interprets to mean what you consider worth cultivating you will cultivate in yourself. Your judgment of what is worthy makes it worthy for you.

Friday, May 28, 2010

The Power of an Idea

The Ideas of A Course in Miracles contain  hidden energy. These ideas reach the most hidden recesses of the inner altar of a belief system based on the past, and once they have touched that inner state leave an everlasting trace.

Once touched by the truth as an experience of self-discovery a new world is born

The Idea of Trust

This is the foundation on which their ability to fulfill their function rests. Perception is the result of learning. In fact, perception is learning, because cause and effect are never separated.

The teachers of God have trust in the world, because they have learned it is not governed by the laws the world made up. It is governed by a Power That is in them but not of them. It is this Power That keeps all things safe. It is through this Power that the teachers of God look on a forgiven world.

When this Power has once been experienced, it is impossible to trust one's own petty strength again.

Who would attempt to fly with the tiny wings of a sparrow when the mighty power of an eagle has been given him? And who would place his faith in the shabby offerings of the ego when the gifts of God are laid before him? What is it that induces them to make the shift?

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What Will a Teacher of God Do All day

In Space and Time no one should attempt to answer these questions alone. Surely no teacher of God has come this far without realizing that.

The curriculum is highly individualized, and all aspects are under the Holy Spirit's particular care and guidance. Ask and He will answer.

The responsibility is His, and He alone is fit to assume it. To do so is His function. To refer the questions to Him is yours.

Would you want to be responsible for decisions about which you understand so little? Be glad you have a Teacher Who cannot make a mistake. His answers are always right. Would you say that of yours?change each day.

To the advanced teacher of God this question is meaningless. There is no program, for the lessons
Yet the teacher of God is sure of but one thing; they do not change at random. Seeing this and understanding that it is true, he rests content.

He will be told all that his role should be, this day and every day. And those who share that role with him will find him, so they can learn the lessons for the day together.

Not one is absent whom he needs; not one is sent without a learning goal already set, and one which can be learned that very day.

For the advanced teacher of God, then, this question is superfluous. It has been asked and answered, and he keeps in constant contact with the Answer. He is set, and sees the road on which he walks stretch surely and smoothly before him.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Today a day in nature, breakfest right on the edge of the Mediterranean, being connected with the movement of the waves, so powerful like a message from another world.

A new day born, fresh, full of answers that are waiting to be accepted. 

A blissfull day of walking, swimming and seeing in all the happenings the Love of God.

All this beauty will rise to bless your sight as you look upon the world with forgiving eyes.

For forgiveness literally transforms vision, and lets you see the real world reaching quietly and gently across chaos, removing all illusions that had twisted your perception and fixed it on the past.

The smallest leaf becomes a thing of wonder, and a blade of grass a sign of God's perfection.

From the forgiven world the Son of God is lifted easily into his home. And there he knows that he has always rested there in peace.
Even salvation will become a dream, and vanish from his mind. For salvation is the end of dreams, and with the closing of the dream will have no meaning. Who, awake in Heaven, could dream that there could ever be need of salvation?

Monday, May 24, 2010


Just to declare today how amazing the idea of brothers is in my mind. How I am certain that they are exactly like myself and bringing ever more the awareness of the harmony in which we are together in the action of giving and receiving. In this dream of awakening.

The joy of knowing oneself in a wide variety of memories, a spectrum of a reflection of creation.

All gifts my brothers give belong to me.

Each day a thousand treasures come to me with every passing moment. I am blessed with gifts throughout the day, in value far beyond all things of which I can conceive.

A brother smiles upon another, and my heart is gladdened. Someone speaks a word of gratitude or mercy, and my mind receives this gift and takes it as its own.

And everyone who finds the way to God becomes my savior, pointing out the way to me, and giving me his certainty that what he learned is surely mine as well.

I thank You, Father, for the many gifts that come to me today and every day from every Son of God. My brothers are unlimited in all their gifts to me. Now may I offer them my thankfulness, that gratitude to them may lead me on to my Creator and His memory.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


My self-realization as a Teacher of God is that all ideas of A Course in Miracles are connected. Like a quantum instant in a holographic picture each idea adds and never takes away.

The core of this greatest of keys of awakening, is is ever extending to all aspects of the Sonship, each one of us as a teacher expresses this recognition in wholeness in joy and amazement, adding to creation

Like a journey in the Mind of God unfolding ever magnificent ideas that carry me further in this Kingdom.

Creation is the opposite of all illusions, for creation is the truth. Creation is the holy Son of God, for in creation is His Will complete in every aspect, making every part container of the Whole.

Its oneness is forever guaranteed inviolate; forever held within His holy Will, beyond all possibility of harm, of separation, imperfection and of any spot upon its sinlessness.

We are creation; we the Sons of God. We seem to be discrete, and unaware of our eternal unity with Him.

Yet back of all our doubts, past all our fears, there still is certainty. For Love remains with all Its Thoughts, Its sureness being theirs. God's memory is in our holy minds, which know their oneness and their unity with their Creator.

Let our function be only to let this memory return, only to let God's Will be done on earth, only to be restored to sanity, and to be but as God created us.
Our Father calls to us. We hear His Voice, and we forgive creation in the Name of its Creator, Holiness Itself, Whose holiness His Own creation shares; Whose holiness is still a part of us.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Going Home

The immediacy of returning my mind to my home in Heaven is in all ways in time and space present. Like Dorothy in the story ..I forgot to click my heels, or in other words change my mind.

I believed a tiny mad idea and searched in vain for a solution.
I am surrounded by forms that are not a hindrance but an inspiration to remember the simplicity of changing my mind.

The Universe is thought. God is an idea. I am an idea. Going Home is an idea. How long can it take to accept an idea? 

You will undertake a journey because you are not at home in this world. And you will search for your home whether you realize where it is or not.

If you believe it is outside you the search will be futile, for you will be seeking it where it is not. You do not remember how to look within for you do not believe your home is there.

Yet the Holy Spirit remembers it for you, and He will guide you to your home because that is His mission. As He fulfills His mission He will teach you yours, for your mission is the same as His.

By guiding your brothers home you are but following Him.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Extension in ideas

The ideas of A Course in Miracles are a living fabric of Light. Each Teacher is an individual and has communion with the ideas on a personal experience of a renewing of mind.

The ideas are whole and complete Each teacher takes the ideas, values them and formulates another idea from it. But never letting go of the original idea that was its beginning and ending.

The course invites us to not arrest our thoughts. God is the Mind with which I think and I will not break that connection.

The extension of truth, which is the law of the Kingdom, rests only on the knowledge of what truth is. This is your inheritance and requires no learning at all, but when you disinherited yourself you became a learner of necessity.

No one questions the connection of learning and memory. Learning is impossible without memory since it must be consistent to be remembered.
That is why the Holy Spirit's teaching is a lesson in remembering. I said before that He teaches remembering and forgetting, but the forgetting is only to make the remembering consistent.
You forget in order to remember better. You will not understand His translations while you listen to two ways of interpreting them. Therefore you must forget or relinquish one to understand the other.
This is the only way you can learn consistency, so that you can finally be consistent.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Heaven is not an alternative. There is no choice but acceptance the Heaven Is.

Existence in space and time is an endless choosing to find what is never available.

Creation knows no opposite. But here is opposition part of being "real." It is this strange perception of the truth that makes the choice of Heaven seem to be the same as the relinquishment of hell. It is not really thus.

Yet what is true in God's creation cannot enter here until it is reflected in some form the world can understand. Truth cannot come where it could only be perceived with fear. For this would be the error truth can be brought to illusions.

Opposition makes the truth unwelcome, and it cannot come.

In this insanely complicated world, Heaven appears to take the form of choice, rather than merely being what it is. Of all the choices you have tried to make this is the simplest, most definitive and prototype of all the rest, the one which settles all decisions.

If you could decide the rest, this one remains unsolved. But when you solve this one, the others are resolved with it, for all decisions but conceal this one by taking different forms. Here is the final and the only choice in which is truth accepted or denied.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


The connections I made between ideas in space and time, never gave me peace of mind.
Space and time represents fear, conflict, no matter how I arrange the ideas.

Why be surprised that it is not working when the simplicity is that the aspects, degrees and intervals of space and time are the barrier to peace.

There is no opposite in God, no choice, nothing that can come in the gap that I made to stay separate.

The simplicity of immediacy is a stunning realization again and again. Todays lesson "Heaven is the decision I must make." says it all sublimly

In this insanely complicated world, Heaven appears to take the form of choice, rather than merely being what it is. Of all the choices you have tried to make this is the simplest, most definitive and prototype of all the rest, the one which settles all decisions. If you could decide the rest, this one remains unsolved. But when you solve this one, the others are resolved with it, for all decisions but conceal this one by taking different forms. Here is the final and the only choice in which is truth accepted or denied.

No one questions the connection of learning and memory. Learning is impossible without memory since it must be consistent to be remembered.

That is why the Holy Spirit's teaching is a lesson in remembering. I said before that He teaches remembering and forgetting, but the forgetting is only to make the remembering consistent.

You forget in order to remember better. You will not understand His translations while you listen to two ways of interpreting them.

Therefore you must forget or relinquish one to understand the other. This is the only way you can learn consistency, so that you can finally be consistent.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Transfer of ideas

The listener and the speaker are one. As Teachers of God we hear Gods voice when we listen with the single desire to receive.

Ideas are the Word of God and in each instant we stand together to receive and give, to extend and never to arrest our thoughts.

The total transfer of your learning is not made by you. But that it has been made in spite of all the differences you see, convinces you that they could not be real.

Your healing will extend, and will be brought to problems that you thought were not your own.

And it will also be apparent that your many different problems will be solved as any one of them has been escaped.

It cannot be their differences which made this possible, for learning does not jump from situations to their opposites and bring the same results.

All healing must proceed in lawful manner, in accord with laws that have been properly perceived but never violated. Fear you not the way that you perceive them. You are wrong, but there is One within you Who is right.

Leave, then, the transfer of your learning to the One Who really understands its laws, and Who will guarantee that they remain unviolated and unlimited. Your part is merely to apply what He has taught you to yourself, and He will do the rest.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Fullness is extension.

Fullness is extension. The ego's whole thought system blocks extension, and thus blocks your only function.

It therefore blocks your joy, so that you perceive yourself as unfulfilled. Unless you create you are unfulfilled, but God does not know unfulfillment and therefore you must create.

You may not know your own creations, but this can no more interfere with their reality than your unawareness of your spirit can interfere with its being.

The Kingdom is forever extending because it is in the Mind of God. You do not know your joy because you do not know your own Self-fullness.

Exclude any part of the Kingdom from yourself and you are not whole. A split mind cannot perceive its fullness, and needs the miracle of its wholeness to dawn upon it and heal it.

This reawakens the wholeness in it, and restores it to the Kingdom because of its acceptance of wholeness. The full appreciation of the mind's Self-fullness makes selfishness impossible and extension inevitable.

That is why there is perfect peace in the Kingdom. Spirit is fulfilling its function, and only complete fulfillment is peace.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Change on my own terms is welcomed with open arms, but the unexpected change is always experienced as an disruption.

The emmotional wave of landing in a gap in which I seem lost. In that recognition I am found and become a new beginning. Another world is born, and joy is an endless realization of the merci and justice of God as My father.

Change then is welcomed with anticipation for a new beginning that is never not there awaiting my potential to bring back into my awareness
Change is always fearful to the separated, because they cannot conceive of it as a move towards healing the separation.

They always perceive it as a move toward further separation, because the separation was their first experience of change.

You believe that if you allow no change to enter into your ego you will find peace. This profound confusion is possible only if you maintain that the same thought system can stand on two foundations.

Nothing can reach spirit from the ego, and nothing can reach the ego from spirit. Spirit can neither strengthen the ego nor reduce the conflict within it.

The ego is a contradiction. Your self and God's Self are in opposition. They are opposed in source, in direction and in outcome.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


In each moment I am the manifestation of an idea in truth, nothing else is possible.
Am I aware that I am an idea in the Mind of God, or believe I am apart.

Reason will tell me that in God no opposites exists, and that I can only be certain that this prayer of A Course in Miracles is my alignment:"

The truth is true. Nothing else matters, nothing else is real, and everything beside it is not there.

Let Me make the one distinction for you that you cannot make, but need to learn. Your faith in nothing is deceiving you. Offer your faith to Me, and I will place it gently in the holy place where it belongs.

You will find no deception there, but only the simple truth. And you will love it because you will understand it."

You are His manifestation in this world. Your brother calls to you to be His Voice along with him. Alone he cannot be the Helper of God's Son for he alone is functionless.

But joined with you he is the shining Savior of the world, Whose part in its redemption you have made complete. He offers thanks to you as well as him for you arose with him when he began to save the world.

And you will be with him when time is over and no trace remains of dreams of spite in which you dance to death's thin melody.

For in its place the hymn to God is heard a little while. And then the Voice is gone, no longer to take form but to return to the eternal Formlessness of God.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

God only Gives

The relinguisment of my own agenda is a full time position. To step back becomes the action that is more and more rememberd in all the forms my script of awakening provides.

With joy I awake in the morning to witness once more to all the gifts that are there waiting to be acknowledged.

It is working, the light does the work of presenting the simplicity of each instant in all its glory.

Nothing can prevail against a Son of God who commends his spirit into the Hands of his Father. By doing this the mind awakens from its sleep and remembers its Creator. All sense of separation disappears.

The Son of God is part of the Holy Trinity, but the Trinity Itself is one. There is no confusion within Its Levels, because They are of one Mind and one Will.

This single purpose creates perfect integration and establishes the peace of God.

Yet this vision can be perceived only by the truly innocent. Because their hearts are pure, the innocent defend true perception instead of defending themselves against it.

Understanding the lesson of the Atonement they are without the wish to attack, and therefore they see truly. This is what the Bible means when it says, "When He shall appear (or be perceived) we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is."

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

This Son of God within me, this spiritual Presence, is here to govern my day. It is my food, clothing, and housing; It is the source of my inspiration; It is that which governs, guides, protects, and leads me through the activity of my entire day.

Yet it is no more up to you to decide what is visible and what is invisible, than it is up to you to decide what reality is. What can be seen is what the Holy Spirit sees.

The definition of reality is God's, not yours. He created it, and He knows what it is. You who knew have forgotten, and unless He had given you a way to remember you would have condemned yourself to oblivion.

Because of your Father's Love you can never forget Him, for no one can forget what God Himself placed in his memory. You can deny it, but you cannot lose it.

A Voice will answer every question you ask, and a vision will correct the perception of everything you see. For what you have made invisible is the only truth, and what you have not heard is the only Answer.

Monday, May 10, 2010


Perceptions are learned, and you are not without a Teacher.

Yet your willingness to learn of Him depends on your willingness to question everything you learned of yourself, for you who learned amiss should not be your own teacher.

No one can withhold truth except from himself. Yet God will not refuse you the Answer He gave. Ask, then, for what is yours, but which you did not make, and do not defend yourself against truth.

You made the problem God has answered. Ask yourself, therefore, but one simple question:
Do I want the problem or do I want the answer?

Decide for the answer and you will have it, for you will see it as it is, and it is yours already.

You may complain that this course is not sufficiently specific for you to understand and use. Yet perhaps you have not done what it specifically advocates.
This is not a course in the play of ideas, but in their practical application. Nothing could be more specific than to be told that if you ask you will receive.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Stairway to Heaven

Your home is a composite of your consciousness of home. You are the doorkeeper of your household and you should stand guard at the door to see that nothing gets past that door which does not have the right to be there.

This door, however, is not a material door. The only door there is, is the door of consciousness, and the only door for which you are responsible is that door. ( J Goldsmith)

You can refuse to enter, but you cannot bar the door that Christ holds open.

From the belief in sin, the faith in chaos must follow. It is because it follows that it seems to be a logical conclusion; a valid step in ordered thought.

The steps to chaos do follow neatly from their starting point. Each is a different form in the progression of truth's reversal, leading still deeper into terror and away from truth.

Think not one step is smaller than another, nor that return from one is easier. The whole descent from Heaven lies in each one. And where your thinking starts, there must it end.

Brother, take not one step in the descent to hell. For having taken one, you will not recognize the rest for what they are. And they will follow. Attack in any form has placed your foot upon the twisted stairway that leads from Heaven.

Yet any instant it is possible to have all this undone. How can you know whether you chose the stairs to Heaven or the way to hell? Quite easily. How do you feel? Is peace in your awareness?

Are you certain which way you go? And are you sure the goal of Heaven can be reached? If not, you walk alone. Ask, then, your Friend to join with you, and give you certainty of where you go.

Friday, May 7, 2010

The Beginning

A Course in Miracles offers a Teacher of God a new beginning in each instant of the belief in space and time, an awareness of perfect oneness, and the knowledge that there is nothing else; nothing outside this oneness, and nothing else within.

Ever present The Holy Spirit brings to our awareness that the past is over and gone and to choose again for the new birth. Now is ever actively a presence, a reality awaiting but recognition.
A quantum field of unlimited possibilities ever giving to all who are ready to receive

The Holy Spirit interprets time's purpose as rendering the need for time unnecessary. He regards the function of time as temporary, serving only His teaching function, which is temporary by definition.

His emphasis is therefore on the only aspect of time that can extend to the infinite, for now is the closest approximation of eternity that this world offers. It is in the reality of "now," without past or future, that the beginning of the appreciation of eternity lies.

For only "now" is here, and only "now" presents the opportunities for the holy encounters in which salvation can be found.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


The specialness of God's Sons does not stem from exclusion but from inclusion. All my brothers are special.

If they believe they are deprived of anything, their perception becomes distorted. When this occurs the whole family of God, or the Sonship, is impaired in its relationships.

Ultimately, every member of the family of God must return.
The miracle calls him to return because it blesses and honors him, even though he may be absent in spirit. "God is not mocked" is not a warning but a reassurance.
God would be mocked if any of His creations lacked holiness. The creation is whole, and the mark of wholeness is holiness. Miracles are affirmations of Sonship, which is a state of completion and abundance.
A Course in Miracles is that precission ofr ideas, to catch myself in each instant of how attractive it is to be special. The Course gives on every page of this superb document of self-recognition the certainty that I am the denial of all its ideas.
And only in the recognition of that denial that represents all of my space and time is freedom possible and given. The happy recognition of my impossible journey in this dream of my own making is the Grace of God to bring another world into vision.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

That Instant

This course is always practical. It may be that the teacher of God is not in a situation that fosters quiet thought as he awakes.

If this is so, let him but remember that he chooses to spend time with God as soon as possible, and let him do so. Duration is not the major concern.

One can easily sit still an hour with closed eyes and accomplish nothing. One can as easily give God only an instant, and in that instant join with Him completely.

Perhaps the one generalization that can be made is this; as soon as possible after waking take your quiet time, continuing a minute or two after you begin to find it difficult. You may find that the difficulty will diminish and drop away.

If not, that is the time to stop.
The observation of any emmotional or physical impulse that seem to resonate in the idea of a static body, only deserves immediate relinquishment in gratitude.

The tiniest action of examination will bring about the idea that there is some problem that needs time to be released.
Oh temptation has only ever one lesson to give!

Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


To be aware is to know who I Am in each tiny tick of time. It is not difficult because it is given. Awareness is ever present, and invitation to be responsible and to rejoice in the ever expanding awareness and simplicity of God presence and gifts.

In the manual for teachers I am given these timeless ideas:
" Even the most advanced of God's teachers will give way to temptation in this world. Would it be fair if their pupils were denied healing because of this? The Bible says, "Ask in the Name of Jesus Christ."

Is this merely an appeal to magic? A name does not heal, nor does an invocation call forth any special power. What does it mean to call on Jesus Christ? What does calling on his Name confer? Why is the appeal to him part of healing?

We have repeatedly said that one who has perfectly accepted the Atonement for himself can heal the world. Indeed, he has already done so.
Temptation may recur to others, but never to this One. He has become the risen Son of God. He has overcome death because he has accepted Life. He has recognized himself as God created him, and in so doing he has recognized all living things as part of him.
There is now no limit on his power, because it is the Power of God. So has his name become the Name of God, for he no longer sees himself as separate from Him.

We join in this awareness as we say that we are one with God.

For in these words we say as well that we are saved and healed; that we can save and heal accordingly. We have accepted, and we now would give.

For we would keep the gifts our Father gave. Today we would experience ourselves at one with Him, so that the world may share our recognition of reality.

In our experience the world is freed. As we deny our separation from our Father, it is healed along with us.

Monday, May 3, 2010


The picture of your brother that you see means nothing. There is nothing to attack or to deny; to love or hate, or to endow with power or to see as weak.

The picture has been wholly cancelled out, because it symbolized a contradiction that cancelled out the thought it represents.
And thus the picture has no cause at all. Who can perceive effect without a cause? What can the causeless be but nothingness?

The picture of your brother that you see is wholly absent and has never been. Let, then, the empty space it occupies be recognized as vacant, and the time devoted to its seeing be perceived as idly spent, a time unoccupied.

Like you, your brother thinks he is a dream. Share not in his illusion of himself, for your identity depends on his reality.

Think, rather, of him as a mind in which illusions still persist, but as a mind which brother is to you. He is not brother made by what he dreams, nor is his body, "hero" of the dream, your brother.

It is his reality that is your brother, as is yours to him. Your mind and his are joined in brotherhood. His body and his dreams but seem to make a little gap, where yours have joined with his. And yet, between your minds there is no gap.
To join his dreams is thus to meet him not, because his dreams would separate from you.
Therefore release him, merely by your claim on brotherhood, and not on dreams of fear.
Let him acknowledge who he is, by not supporting his illusions by your faith, for if you do, you will have faith in yours. With faith in yours, he will not be released, and you are kept in bondage to his dreams.
And dreams of fear will haunt the little gap, inhabited but by illusions which you have supported in your brother's mind.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The undoing of your mind is not a description

A course in miracles is a course on cause not effect.

Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.

What needs interpretation must be alien. Nor will it ever be made understandable by an interpreter you cannot understand.

The knowledge that illuminates not only sets you free, but also shows you clearly that you are free.

Recognition of an idea as the truth of your identity is what freedom is. What is temptation but the belief that I have any thing to do with that recognition. It simply is given.

What is temptation but a wish to make the wrong decision on what you would learn, and have an outcome that you do not want? It is the recognition that it is a state of mind unwanted that becomes the means whereby the choice is reassessed; another outcome seen to be preferred.

You are deceived if you believe you want disaster and disunity and pain. Hear not the call for this within yourself. But listen, rather, to the deeper call beyond it that appeals for peace and joy. And all the world will give you joy and peace. For as you hear, you answer. And behold! Your answer is the proof of what you learned. Its outcome is the world you look upon.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Interpretation is an action of mind that in space and time was the most attractive form of describing the dream.

And all the while I rememberd not, that I was interpreting the past to repeat it again and again and tried to interprete the dream differently.

How active is 'NOW' the willingness no longer to play with the idea of interpreting the observation of the slow story of time and space.

Time can release as well as imprison, depending on whose interpretation of it you use. Past, present and future are not continuous, unless you force continuity on them.
You can perceive them as continuous, and make them so for you. But do not be deceived, and then believe that this is how it is.

For to believe reality is what you would have it be according to your use for it is delusional. You would destroy time's continuity by breaking it into past, present and future for your own purposes.

You would anticipate the future on the basis of your past experience, and plan for it accordingly. Yet by doing so you are aligning past and future, and not allowing the miracle, which could intervene between them, to free you to be born again.

Knowing is not open to interpretation. You may try to "interpret" meaning, but this is always open to error because it refers to the perception of meaning.

Such incongruities are the result of attempts to regard yourself as separated and un-separated at the same time.

It is impossible to make so fundamental a confusion without increasing your overall confusion still further.

Your mind may have become very ingenious, but as always happens when method and content are separated, it is utilized in a futile attempt to escape from an inescapable impasse.

Ingenuity is totally divorced from knowledge, because knowledge does not require ingenuity. Ingenious thinking is not the truth that shall set you free, but you are free of the need to engage in it when you are willing to let it go.