Sunday, January 17, 2010


The masses in India are an tremendous experience of practising staying cool and calm but we do amazingly well

We arrived in Pondicherry the home of Sri Aurobindo ....after a taxi ride of 3 hour

For 3 days the Pongal Festival is a yearly celebration that is a family affair front of their houses they have the most beautiful chalk drawings like mandelas of splendor

The roads are filled with people in their best and glamorous sari's..walking to the various temples to pay respect to their gods ...every car, bus has people piling out of it and even trucks it is staggering how many bodies they can fit in

Every one is so cheerful on the road our taxi driver stopped at a roadside stall where the chai tea was divine ..even how they make it is a performance that is great to watch .like a mini show

Our guesthouse is fairly new and stay there for the next 2 days is a very clean place simply marvelous ..and then we went into town for lunch the other 5 days here in Auoroville we stay on the beach and that is still a surprise what that looks like

Auroville is the idea of Sri Aurobindo for mankind to come together in harmony with each other to bring a new specie in existence that will raise the consciousness of man

But up till now we are taken care of wonderfully well in all manners

Two days ago we had a great 2 hour Ayurveda massage and when we got there I looked at a ACIM book lying on the counter and kind of wondered what this was as it was a copy of the EA ..

I lifted it and asked Sonja Did you bring your book ..another teacher had passed through this place and had left it there, he had been there for massages last year

You can imagine my surprise to find a COURSE book in this dusty India town and a girl actively using it .as she had placed translations at the edge in hindu.

Here at Auroville it It is a calmer athmosphere ..which I appreciate ...greatly...

Still the indian people are gentle and kind and we have met many interesting characters that are of a beautiful nature

Yes a totally and I mean a totally different world is here moves and moves and looks chaotic but it all fits together ..

In all this dirt people look amazingly clean ..the garbage collector must have been on strike for years .ha ha ha

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